Monday, 2 July 2012

About us

Agence de l’Est is a Paris-based literary agency specialised in selling foreign rights.
We have been offering quality French authors since 1999 to publishers in Central Europe, the Baltic States and the Balkans, on behalf of French publishing houses.

This blog will reflect two of our main interests :
- The sales of book rights, in all existing formats :
It has been our core activity since the beginning of the Agency and we’d like this blog to bring you up-to-date information on our authors (book presentations, short interviews of authors, extracts in French and English, etc) ;

- The current exciting transition to digital of the world of publishing :
We’d like this blog, and our Twitter (@AgDelEst), to bring you the latest information on the industry’s transition to digital, and to be part of the change by offering “digital only” books in the near future.

We'll be delighted to read your comments !